The Social Scene

Pat Steger, San Francisco Chronicle, September 13, 1996

Serge and Tatiana Sorokko gave a dinner last night at Vivande in Opera Plaza for Russian expatriate artist Yuri Kuper.


His show, "The Winter of Mos Dinner host Corky Bowles and Joan Danforth cow's Discontent," officially opened Serge's art gallery on Grant. Yuri divides his time among New York, London and Paris. The Sorokkos divide theirs between a Mill Valley home and a New York apartment, with frequent trips to Paris and Milan for her modeling.


Tatiana worked close to home Tuesday in the Ballet Auxiliary's Ferre fashion show at the St. Francis. She's with the Look agency here and I.M.G. in Manhattan (that's Joe Montana's agency).


Among those at the opening: Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts director Robert Flynn Johnson; Serge's sister, private art dealer Erika Meyerovich, and her ex-husband, Alex Meyerovich. At one time, when the Meyeroviches were one, the gallery belonged to them. "At least it's stayed in the family," said Serge, and it does seem like one big happy family.



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