Gregg LeFevre American, 1946


Gregg LeFevre is a New York based installation artist and photographer whose photographs of urban landscapes capture and document the unexpected juxtapositions of commercial advertising and urban reality. He began shooting pictures out of his pilot mother's plane as a little boy.


LeFevre comments, "When an ad is in a magazine or in a newspaper or on television it keeps its integrity but when you put an ad, a three-dimensional object, in public, things happen to it."


More than 150 of his sculptures are installed across New York City, including bronze plaques embedded in the sidewalk "Library Way," the section of 41st Street extending from Park Avenue to Fifth Avenue, and in the Southern plaza of Union Square Park.


LeFevre's works have been exhibited internationally at public and private venues including museums in Berlin, Beijing, Milan and New York. His work is included in the collections of the Museum of the City of New York, the Smithsonian Institution, the Boston Public Library, the US Department of State, Time Warner, Hewlett Packard, and the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C., among others.


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